Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Blog 18- Answer 2

1.  What is your EQ?
  • How can a manager ensure a successful start up restaurant?
2.  What is your first answer? (In complete thesis statement format)
  • In order for a manager to ensure a successful start up restaurant they must market the restaurant using all forms of advertising, social media, word of mouth and billboards. 
3.  What is your second answer? (In complete thesis statement format)
  • In order for a manager to ensure a successful start up restaurant they must choose the perfect location in accordance to the style of the restaurant. 
4.  List three reasons your answer is true with a real-world application for each.
  • Choose location according to the amount of parking available in the area: an example would be if some of your customers want to meet up at your restaurant but they are each taking different cars, that's only one table but five different parking spaces taken up meaning there won't be enough for other customers who might come in in the same car. It's not good to have an extremely limited parking capacity. 
  • You have to take a look at the businesses around you. If there are restaurants with a similar style to yours closer than four miles, then that could mean to much competition, especially if you're a start up. 
  • Making sure your location isn't too crowded by other establishments, you have to make sure that it stands out among the others. If it's hidden people wont be able to see your establishment. 
5.  What printed source best supports your answer?
6.  What other source supports your answer?
  • The Restaurant Book : The Definitive Guide to Starting Your Own Restaurant, there is a section that talks only about the factors that go in to choosing a location.
7.  Tie this together with a  concluding thought.
  • When starting a restaurant business you need to ensure that the location is in accordance to the style of your restaurant. Consider if your restaurant is family or business oriented you might want to consider a vast parking are. Make sure you have little competition, so your restaurant stands out. Many small factors can contribute to the failure of a start up restaurant. 

Small note:
 "What is the most important factor element a manager must focus on to ensure a successful start up restaurant?" (I'm considering maybe changing my EQ to this that way it leads to one answer in specific as opposed to my original EQ which seems a bit more susceptible to multiple answers, I will set up a meeting soon) 

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Blog 17- Interview 3 Reflction

1. What is the most important thing I learned from the interview?  
  • The most important thing I learned from this interview are a managers point of view on the top steps to maintaining a successful restaurant. Which were, Positive attitude, listen to the customers and keep up to date with records. I feel like this part helped me come up with some more potential answers for my essential question. 
2.  How has your approach to interviewing changed over the course of your senior project?
  • I feel like my questions were a bit more thorough this time around especially because ten questions is a lot, so I had to do some deep thinking in regards to which questions I should ask. I also feel like i have gotten more comfortable interviewing people. I don't feel as awkward as I did the first time and I enjoy listening to the answers and coming up with follow up questions or adding in my own bit of commentary. 

Link to interview:

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Blog 16: Independent Component 2 Approval

parks and rec tina fey adam scott ben wyatt idea

1.  Describe in detail what you plan to do for your 30 hours.
I plan on finding a more in depth understanding for my answer to my essential question, "How can a manager ensure a successful start-up restaurant?". Since my answer is advertisement I want to create a website for a restaurant based on the restaurant that I came up with in my business plan. Along with that I would like to create a commercial, also based on the business plan.

2.  Discuss how or what you will do to meet the expectation of showing 30 hours of evidence.
The web page will be thoroughly examined and I will do my best to assure that all features work properly, I could take pictures of the progress I make each day, I will also work on the website when I'm with my mentor and she can sign off the hours that it took me to complete the website. As for the commercial I could include rough draft and final draft of the commercials script, and include rough cuts and other clips from recording dates.

3.  Explain how this component will help you explore your topic in more depth.
Since the answer for my EQ is advertisement, the website creation will help me understand the different colors and information that need to be on a restaurants web page in order to get the potential consumers attention. I would have to do a lot more research on restaurant blogs and web pages to see what they include. As for the commercial, it will help me come up with a creative way to connect with my consumers and get them to be interested in what I'm attempting to sell them.

4.  Post a log in your Senior Project Hours link and label it "Independent Component 2" log.

Friday, February 5, 2016

Independent Component 1

    (a) I, Michelle Villasenor, affirm that I completed my independent component which represents 31 hours of work.
    (b) Cite your source regarding who or what article or book helped you complete the independent component.
  • There were actually multiple sources here is a link to all of them, they are in MLA format: 
  • (d) I completed an entire business plan based on a restaurant concept of my choosing. I chose to use a vegan restaurant and named it "Agent Vegan" I made the business plan as legitimate as I could, I had to look fro averages when summing up costs for some materials but other than that the business plan is very legitimate. 
  • Below is my business plan: 
  • Below is my mini reflection and title page with my resources:

    I actually showed the log of the full 31 hours of work that I did and since I completed my business plan with my mentor I had her sign it as evidence. Below is my independent component log:
    This component helped me better understand the entire foundation of what it takes to run a restaurant. There were many different segments within the business plan from financials as in stating assets and payroll to what forms of advertisement are you going to use. I definitely received a way more in depth understanding of a restaurant start- up.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Lesson 2 Reflection

1.What are you most proud of in your Lesson 2 Presentation and why?

I was most proud of my answer, I feel very confident with the answer I chose fro my essential question, "How can a manager ensure a successful start-up restaurant?". I feel like advertisement was a good way to go and I was able to add in some funny advertisement pictures to get a couple of laughs. 

2. a.     What assessment would you give yourself on your Lesson 2 Presentation (self-assessment)?


     b.     Explain why you deserve that grade using evidence from the Lesson 2 component contract.

I feel like I used appropriate volume and my hook was a bit entertaining and then I explained how the connected with my topic. I also gave two sources and used my mentor to explain an example. I also believe that my activity resonated well with the answer to my essential question, and my debrief worked well with the lesson in the activity. 

3. What worked for you in your Lesson 2?

My answer worked for me and my mentor and all of the sources that we have had to study over the past six months definitely helped me conclude my answer. I feel like my hooked worked relatively well too, I feel like it caught most of the viewers attention and I was able to do a proper debrief afterwards,

4. What didn't work? If you had a time machine, what would you have done differently to improve your Lesson 2? 

I feel as though my activity could have gone better, I I could turn back time I would have probably had more specific instructions and added a target audience along with the concept of the restaurant.

5. What do you think your answer #2 is going to be?

I feel like my answer two is going to be the business plan, my independent component is actually me creating a business plan and through the past few months of working on it, I've found a lot of relative importance in the whole creation process of the business plan.