Friday, April 22, 2016

Blog 22- Independent Component 2

(a) “I, Michelle Villasenor, affirm that I completed my independent component which represents 30 hours of work."

(b) Below is a link to a bibliography, my mentor also assisted me through the process:

(c) Updated

(d) My independent component two is connected to my independent component one. In my independent component one I created a business plan for a restaurant I imagined called "Agent Vegan". In my independent component two I created a website made for that exact restaurant. My website is based on the original business plan fro Agent Vegan. In the website I placed the food options and wrote out description for each item, along with this I wrote out descriptions of the restaurant to "attract consumers". I also created a short thirty second commercial for Agent Vegan, I incorporated pictures, music and dialogue.

(e) Here is a link to the basic layout of what is on the website:

Here is a link to the created website: 
Here is the mini commercial:

(f) My essential question is "How can a  manager ensure a successful start up restaurant?" well on of the things about a start up is that not many p eople know about it, it's new and it is up to the one in charge to drive in people. What better wayto drive in people than through commercials, and allowing web access to your consumers helps them decide whether they will like your restaurant or not. Many people nowadays just look online for reviews of new locations, it's important to keep a clean and convincing web page.

Friday, April 15, 2016

Blog 21- Interview 4 Reflection

 parks and recreation chris pratt andy dwyer me during job interviews

1. What is the most important thing I learned from the interview? 

The most important thing I learned from the interview would be the definition of success. When I asked Maria to define success she gave me a very interesting answer and I will definitely use that for my lesson. She defined success as not completing a task or getting a perfect score, but as attempting to complete a goal to the vest of your ability, if the restaurant didn't take off, it's okay as long as you tried your very best you succeeded. 

2.  How will what I learned affect my final lesson?

It fits my essential question, "How can a manager ensure a successful startup restaurant?"  This sort of defines the term success for me. Other then that I got some more inside information in regards to how to handle people and the different ways in which the location affects the restaurant. 
